What would a typical day look like for my child?

The daily schedule that pertains to the age of your child will provide you with information regarding your child’s daily routine. Generally, the day will include morning welcome, learning activities, outside play weather permitting, lunch, rest time, afternoon snack and afternoon activities. These could include supplemental enrichment activities such as Music, Art and Dance.

Who will be at school everyday?

Each classroom will always have a teacher and an assistant teacher. The director or assistant director will be on site daily. The cook and kitchen manager will also be on site during meal and snack preparations.

What is the faculty to children ratio?

The ratio of faculty to children is age and state specific. We are committed to following the designated state ratios at a minimum. Keep in mind that School of Life Preschool also utilizes assistant teachers in the classroom to help the lead teachers implement activities, which further lowers the ratios at many times throughout the day.

What kind of curriculum do you use?

The Abeka curriculum is implemented in our preschool and Pre-K programs. It is comprehensive, research based Pre-Kindergarten curriculum that develops children’s minds and bodies through carefully selected and sequenced learning experiences. Select this link for information.

How should I dress my child?

Children should wear comfortable play clothes and dress as the weather dictates. Sneakers are the safest and most comfortable footwear for active, playful children and we ask that the children do not wear open toed or backless shoes to school.